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💌 Unsubscribe to Kolet emails
💌 Unsubscribe to Kolet emails


Updated over a week ago

💡 Here at Kolet, we understand that your preferences might change, and you might no longer want to receive emails from us. Unsubscribing from our emails is quick and easy, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

🔎 To unsubscribe from Kolet emails,

  • You can check at the bottom of the email, you will see a link "Unsubscribe", this will remove you directly from the mailing list

  • Or you can untick the box "I agree to receive promo codes and other marketing communications" on the login page. ⏬

Get instant 24/7 support from our assistant, or connect with one of our expert agents on the Kolet app- They will be delighted to assist you! ✨


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