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📚 Terms & Conditions - Air France KLM Group
📚 Terms & Conditions - Air France KLM Group

Go wherever you want. On arrival, stay connected.

Updated over 2 months ago

Kolet offers Air France KLM Group passengers exclusive advantages to access the Internet anywhere on Earth.

Last update: November 19, 2024

Kolet's official legal documents are in French and can be accessed here. This translation is provided solely for informational purposes.

Kolet is an emerging leader in eSIM. Faced with the exorbitant cost of Internet access abroad, Kolet offers simple and affordable connectivity solutions to travelers in over 190 countries. With its B Corp Pending status, Kolet is committed to promoting responsible and sustainable practices, while facilitating connectivity for travelers. (To find out more:

📚 General Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Purpose

These General Conditions of Use (hereinafter " GCU ") are concluded between KOLET, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 1,250.25 euros registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number B 981 094 261, located at 6 rue d'Armaille 75017 Paris, (hereinafter " KOLET ") on the one hand and the User on the other.

The purpose of these GCU is to set out the contractual provisions relating to the respective rights and obligations of the Parties in the context of the use of the website,, and; published by KOLET (hereinafter the " Site ").

The User is clearly informed and acknowledges that the Site is intended for consumers only.

These GCU are not intended to govern the sale of Plans by KOLET on the Site. This transaction will be governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

IMPORTANT : any use of the Site for any purpose whatsoever implies the User's unreserved acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

2. Definitions

The terms used below have the following meanings in these General Conditions of Use:

● " Customer ": refers to the KOLET co-contractor who guarantees to have the status of consumer as defined by French law and jurisprudence and who orders a Plan via the Site. As such, it is expressly provided that the Customer is a natural person acting for purposes that do not fall within the scope of his commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal or agricultural activity.

● " General Conditions of Use " or " GCU ": refers to the present contractual conditions made available on the Site's home page, governing the use of the Site by any Internet user.

"General Sales Conditions " or " GSC ": refers to the contractual conditions governing the Ordering of Plans from KOLET.

● " Content ": refers to all information, texts, logos, trademarks, animations, drawings and models, photographs, data, hypertext links and generally all KOLET elements and content published on the Site.

● " Parties ": in the plural refers together to KOLET and the User. In the singular, refers to only one of the two Parties.

"Plans": refers to prepaid eSIM service plans allowing Customers to connect their device to the Internet.

● " Site ": refers to the Site published and operated by KOLET accessible at the following address, and; The Site groups together all the web pages, Services and functionalities offered by KOLET to Users.

● " Services ": refers to all the functionalities and services offered on the Site to Users.

● " User ": refers to any person accessing and browsing the Site, whether a Customer or an ordinary Internet user.

3. Acceptance of the general terms of use

Use of the Site's functionalities and Services implies acceptance of these GCU.

By accepting these GCU, the User agrees to comply with the various obligations set out herein.

The User undertakes to read these General Terms and Conditions of Use carefully when accessing the Site.

The present Terms of Use are referenced in the footer of the Site and may be consulted at any time.

4. Technical specifications

By using the Site, the User acknowledges that he/she has the necessary means and skills to use the functionalities offered.

The equipment required to access and use the Site is at the User's expense, as are any telecommunications charges incurred by its use.

5. Conditions of access to the Site

The User may visit the Site free of charge.

All the Services offered on the Site will be accessible to the User directly, without the need to create an account.

6. Services

From the Site, the User may place an Order for Plans in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

By placing an Order on the Site, the User becomes a Customer.

7. Obligations of the parties

7.1. User obligations

When using the Site and the Services, each User undertakes not to undermine public order, to comply with the laws and regulations in force and to respect the rights of third parties and the provisions of these GCU.

In particular, each User undertakes to:

- Behave loyally towards KOLET;

- Be honest and sincere in the information provided to KOLET;

- To use the Services and the Site in accordance with its purpose as described in these GCU;

- Not to divert the purpose of the Services and the Site to commit crimes, offenses or contraventions punishable by the penal code or by any other law;

- Respect the privacy of third parties and the confidentiality of exchanges;

- Respect KOLET's intellectual property rights relating to elements of the Services and the Site;

- Not to seek to undermine, within the meaning of Articles 323-1 et seq. of the French Penal Code, the automated data processing systems implemented on the Site, in particular through practices such as scrapping;

- Not to modify the information put online by KOLET;

- Not to use the Services and the Site to send unsolicited mass messages (advertising or other);

- Not to disseminate data that would diminish, disorganize, slow down or interrupt the normal operation of the Services and the Site.

In compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force and in accordance with the law of 29 July 1881 relating to freedom of the press, the User undertakes not to disseminate any message or information :

- Constitute wrongful denigration aimed at KOLET or, where applicable, other Users of the Services and the Site;

- Contrary to public order and morality;

- Of an abusive, defamatory, racist, xenophobic or revisionist nature, or which may harm the honor or reputation of others;

- Inciting discrimination or hatred of a person or group of people on the grounds of their origin or their membership or non-membership of a particular ethnic group, nation, race or religion;

- Threatening a person or group of people;

- Of a pedophilic nature;

- Inciting to commit an offence, a crime or an act of terrorism or glorifying war crimes or crimes against humanity;

- Inciting suicide;

- Directly or indirectly enabling third parties to obtain pirated software, software serial numbers, software enabling acts of piracy and intrusion into computer and telecommunications systems, viruses and other logic bombs, and in general any software or other tool enabling infringement of the rights of others and the security of persons and property;

- of a commercial nature (canvassing, soliciting, prostitution, etc.).

The User uses the Site and the Services under his entire and exclusive responsibility.

7.2. Kolet's obligations

KOLET's general obligation is an obligation of means. KOLET has no obligation of result or reinforced means of any kind.

KOLET undertakes to do its utmost to ensure continuity of access and use of the Site 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

However, KOLET draws the attention of Users to the fact that current Internet communication protocols do not allow the transmission of electronic exchanges (messages, documents, identity of the sender or recipient) to be guaranteed with certainty and continuity.

8. Liability

8.1. General provisions

The User is solely responsible for his/her use of the Services and the Site.

In particular, the User is solely liable for any damage resulting in whole or in part from:

- Misuse of the Services or the Site, including negligence;

- Intrusion or fraudulent use of the Services or the Site by a third party using his or her own device;

- Equipment used to access the Services and the Site.

KOLET declines all responsibility in particular:

- In the event of temporary inability to access the Site or Services for technical maintenance or updating of published information. KOLET will do its utmost to inform Users of any interruptions to Services. Users acknowledge that KOLET may not be held liable in the event of malfunctions or interruptions of said transmission networks;

- In the event of viral attacks, illicit intrusion into an automated data processing system;

- In the event of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the Services by a User or a third party;

- In the event of non-compliance with these GCU attributable to Users;

- In the event of delay or non-performance of its obligations, when the cause of the delay or non-performance is linked to a case of force majeure as defined in article 10 of these GCU;

- In the event of a foreign cause not attributable to KOLET;

- In the event of unlawful action by another User of the Site.

In the event of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the Services or the Site, the User shall be solely liable for any damage caused to third parties and for the consequences of any claims or actions that may arise therefrom.

8.2. Hosting status

Users acknowledge that KOLET has the status of host. In this capacity, KOLET reserves the right to remove any Content that has been reported to it and that it considers to be manifestly unlawful within the meaning of article 3 DSA, i.e. " any information which, in itself or in relation to an activity, including the sale of products or the provision of services, does not comply with Union law or with the law of a Member State which complies with Union law, whatever the precise purpose or nature of that law ".

Notification of such Content must be made using the form dedicated to this purpose on the Site, which meets the requirements of article 16 of the DSA(hereinafter the " Notification" ). Users are strongly recommended to duly complete this form in order to enable KOLET to have effective knowledge of the contested Content and the justifications enabling it to consider whether such Content is unlawful.

Furthermore, the User undertakes in this context to send a Notification in good faith affirming that the information provided in this form is accurate and complete.

Upon receipt of the Notification, KOLET undertakes to make a Decision concerning the information to which the Notification relates, in a timely, diligent, non-arbitrary and objective manner(hereinafter the " Decision" ). The User will also be informed if the Decision has been made using automated means.

In any event, KOLET undertakes to:

● Acknowledge receipt of the User's Notification and inform the User of its Decision taken on the Content reported, if electronic contact details have been specified by the User;

● Inform the author of the Content of its Decision;

● Inform the User (the authors of the Notification and of the said Content) of the possible avenues of appeal of its Decision and in particular access to an internal system for handling complaints.

With the exception of misleading and widely distributed commercial Content, each Decision taken by KOLET will be accompanied by a clear and specific statement of reasons in particular when it entails:

● A restriction of visibility of the said Content ;

● Suspension of all or part of the Services offered on the Site.

In the event of Content leading to suspicion that a criminal offence posing a threat to the life or safety of one or more persons has been committed, is being committed or is likely to be committed, KOLET will promptly inform the competent law enforcement authorities.

9. Force majeure

KOLET may not be held liable if the non-performance or delay in performance of any of its obligations described in these GCU is due to force majeure.

Force majeure in contractual matters occurs when an event beyond the debtor's control, which could not reasonably have been foreseen when the contract was concluded and whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents the debtor from fulfilling its obligation.

If the impediment is temporary, performance of the obligation is suspended, unless the resulting delay justifies termination of the contract. If the impediment is definitive, the contract is terminated ipso jure and the parties are released from their obligations under the conditions set out in articles 1351 and 1351-1 of the French Civil Code.

In the event of one of the aforementioned events, KOLET will endeavour to inform the User as soon as possible.

10. Intellectual property rights

The User acknowledges KOLET's intellectual property rights to the Site, its components and related Content and waives the right to contest these rights in any form whatsoever.

The trademarks, logos, slogans, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, software solutions and texts and any other Content on the Site are the intellectual property of KOLET and may not be reproduced, used or represented without express authorization, under penalty of legal action.

In some cases, these Contents are not the property of KOLET, but KOLET has obtained express authorization to use them or may use them in accordance with applicable legislation.

Any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Services, the Site or its Contents, by any process whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of KOLET is prohibited and shall constitute an infringement punishable by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

In particular, KOLET expressly prohibits

- Extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of its database to another medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever;

- Reuse, by making available to the public all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of the database, in any form whatsoever;

- Reproduction, extraction or reuse, by any means, including methods similar to scrapping, of Content (photographs, descriptions, etc.) published by KOLET.

Acceptance of these GCU implies recognition by Users of KOLET's intellectual property rights and a commitment to respect them.

KOLET grants a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to Users authorizing them to use the Site and the information it contains in accordance with these TOU.

Any other use of the Site and its Contents is excluded from the scope of this license and may not be made without the express prior authorization of KOLET.

11. Protection of personal data

All consumers have the option of registering free of charge on the BLOCTEL telephone anti-solicitation list

In accordance with law no. 2020-901 of July 24, 2020 aimed at regulating telephone canvassing and combating fraudulent calls, any professional reserves the right to canvass a consumer registered on the telephone canvassing opposition list when the canvassing takes place as part of the performance of a current contract and is related to the subject of said contract, including when the purpose is to offer the consumer products or services related to or complementary to the subject of the current contract, or likely to improve its performance or quality.

The User is invited to consult KOLET's Privacy Policy, which can be accessed here, for further information on the protection of personal data, the processing carried out by KOLET and the procedures for exercising rights.

12. User service

Any written complaint from the customer must be sent by :

- E-mail to;

- the chat available on the Site; or

- Mail to the following address KOLET - 6 rue d'Armaille 75017 Paris

13. Validity of the GCU

If any provision of these GTCU is declared null and void by any applicable law or regulation and/or by any court decision having the force of res judicata, such provision shall be deemed unwritten, but shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Any such modification or ruling shall in no way authorize Users to disregard these Terms and Conditions of Use.

14. Modification of the GCU

These GCU apply to all Users browsing the Site.

The GCU may be modified and updated by KOLET at any time, in particular to adapt to changes in legislation or regulations.

The GTUs applicable are those in force at the time of browsing the Site.

15. General provisions

The fact that one of the Parties has not required the application of any clause of these GCU, whether permanently or temporarily, shall in no case be considered as a waiver of said clause.

In the event of any difficulty of interpretation between any of the headings appearing at the top of the clauses and any of the clauses, the headings will be declared non-existent.

16. Jurisdiction and applicable law



However, prior to any recourse to an arbitral or state judge, the User is invited to contact KOLET's user service.

If no agreement is reached, or if the User justifies having previously attempted to resolve his/her dispute directly with KOLET by means of a written complaint, an optional mediation procedure will be proposed, conducted in a spirit of loyalty and good faith, with a view to reaching an amicable agreement in the event of any conflict relating to this contract, including one concerning its validity.

To initiate this mediation, the User may contact the KOLET mediator listed in the General Sales Conditions.

Consumers may also use the European platform for online dispute resolution, accessible at the following address

The Party wishing to implement the mediation process must first inform the other party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, indicating the elements of the conflict.

Since mediation is not compulsory, the User or KOLET may withdraw from the process at any time.


📚 Terms and Conditions of sale

Kolet offers Air France KLM Group passengers exclusive advantages for Internet access anywhere on Earth!

Thanks to this partnership, as a new Kolet customer, you'll benefit from a welcome gift: the chance to try our services for free and enjoy up to 1 GB of Internet for 2 days.

IMPORTANT: Any purchase of eSIM Service Plans made on the Site implies the Customer's unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Article 1. Subject

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the " GTC ") apply to any Order for prepaid eSIM Service Plans enabling Customers to connect their device to the Internet, placed by a consumer customer (hereinafter the " Customer ") with KOLET, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of 1.250.25 registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number B 981 094 261, located at 6 rue d'Armaille 75017 Paris, (hereinafter " KOLET") from the website and; (hereinafter the " Site ").

It is expressly specified that KOLET does not provide telephone numbers, nor the possibility of making or receiving voice telephone calls (including calls to emergency numbers) nor of sending or receiving SMS messages.

The Customer is clearly informed and acknowledges that the Site is intended for consumers only. The Customer undertakes to order on the Site and to use the Data Plans ordered solely for personal use. Any use of the services for commercial purposes is forbidden.

Article 2. Definitions

The terms used below have the following meanings in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale:

● " Application ": refers to the Kolet mobile application available free of charge on the App Store and Google Play Store.

●" Customer ": refers to the KOLET co-contractor who guarantees to be a consumer as defined by French law and jurisprudence, and who orders a Plan via the Site. In this respect, it is expressly provided that the Customer is a natural person acting for purposes that do not fall within the scope of his commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity.

"Order ": refers to the ordering of Plans by a Customer on the Site ;

● " General Conditions of Use " or " GCU ": refers to the contractual conditions made available on the Site's home page, governing the use of the Site by any Internet user.

"General Sales Conditions " or " GSC ": refers to the present contractual conditions governing the Ordering of Plans from KOLET. The GSC are concluded between KOLET and the Customer.

● " Parties ": in the plural refers together to KOLET and the Customer. In the singular, refers to only one of the two Parties.

"Plans": means prepaid eSIM service plans allowing Customers to connect their device to the Internet.

● " Site ": means the Site published and operated by KOLET accessible at the following address, and;

Article 3. Acceptance of the GTC

The Customer undertakes to read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale carefully and to accept them expressly, before proceeding with the payment of an Order for Plans on the Site.

These GTC are referenced at the bottom of each page of the Site by means of a hypertext link and can thus be consulted, downloaded and printed at any time.

KOLET advises the Customer to read the GTC with each new Order, as the latest version of the GTC applies to all new Orders.

By ticking the box "I accept the general terms and conditions of sale and the general terms and conditions of use" when placing an Order, the Customer acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the GTC without limitation or condition.

Article 4 : Technical specifications

By placing an Order for Plans on the Site, the Customer acknowledges that he/she has the necessary means and skills to use them.

The equipment required to access and use the Plans ordered is the responsibility of the Customer.

To this end, the Customer must have an eSIM-compatible device. Device eSIM compatibility depends on the device manufacturer (e.g. Apple, Samsung, Huawei) and the version of the device the Customer owns.

Before placing an Order on the Site, the Customer must ensure that his or her device is eSIM compatible.

The customer has three options:

-Access the KOLET Application: if the customer sees an error screen, their device is not eSIM compatible.

Search for your device in the list of eSIM-compatible devices, which is updated every month and can be accessed here.

-Check your device settings manually

Customers can also carry out a quick check by clicking on the " check now " tab available when placing their Order. By indicating the brand and version of their device, they will be able to determine whether an eSIM can be used.

In any case, the Customer also undertakes to check that his or her device is not locked to a specific operator. Most locked devices are generally those purchased directly from a mobile operator who has implemented a device locking policy, due to the associated rental contract.

For more details, click here

Any roaming charges incurred by the Customer on his local number, particularly in the event of an error made when configuring the settings on his device, remain at the Customer's expense.

Article 5 : Ordering plans on the Site

To be able to order a Plan on the Site, the Customer must have legal capacity or authorization from his legal representatives and be a consumer within the meaning of the preliminary article of the French Consumer Code.

5.1. Access to the Site

When logging on to the Site, to place an Order for a paying Plan, Customers must enter their e-mail address.

To place an Order for a free welcome offer, the Customer must indicate his/her e-mail address, telephone number and departure date.

5.2. Characteristics of the Plans

KOLET undertakes to present in a clear, legible and comprehensible manner the essential characteristics of the Plans and the mandatory information that the Customer must receive under applicable law.

KOLET may restrict the availability of offers in certain countries.

The Customer undertakes to read this information carefully before placing an Order on the Site.

Through the Site, KOLET markets eSIM service Plans.

The eSIM is the equivalent of a physical but virtual SIM card, enabling Customers to purchase data Plans on the Site and use them directly on their devices.

Kolet eSIM data packages are offered as is, and no further modification or customization can be made on the basis of individual requests once the purchase has been made.

Upon Ordering on the Site, the Plan will be immediately available to the Customer upon activation.

KOLET only markets data Plans, without providing the Customer with a telephone number, nor the possibility of making or receiving voice telephone calls (including calls to emergency numbers) or sending or receiving SMS messages. The Customer may, however, call via Voice over IP (VoIP) applications such as WhatsApp, Viber, Skype or Lime where networks and regulations allow.

5.3. Prices

For all the Plans, the Customer will find on the Site prices displayed in euros inclusive of all taxes.

In particular, prices include Value Added Tax (VAT) at the rate in force on the Order date. Any change in the applicable rate may have an impact on the price of the Plans from the date on which the new rate comes into force.

Prices may be modified in the event of offers (promotional codes) or special sales.

Prices shown are valid unless there is a gross error. The applicable price is that indicated on the Site on the date the Order is placed by the Customer.

5.4. Ordering procedure

Orders for Plans are placed directly on the Site. To place an Order, the Customer must follow the steps described below.

5.4.1. Plan selection

From the home page of the Site, the Customer can select a Plan.

The customer may then choose to benefit from the welcome offer (if he/she is not yet a Kolet customer) or select the Plan from among the available offers. Free offer

By selecting "welcome gift", the Customer will be able to benefit from up to '1 GB of Internet free of charge, valid for two (2) days from the consumption of the first megabyte.

This welcome offer is only available to new Customers, i.e. Internet users who have never benefited from this offer on the Site and who have never used the Kolet Application.

The Customer may benefit from the welcome offer only once. The use of multiple e-mail addresses by the same Customer in order to benefit from the welcome offer more than once is strictly prohibited.

The Customer may not use a temporary or single-use e-mail address to benefit from a welcome offer.

In the event of any misuse of the free welcome offer (use more than once by the same person or the same device or the same e-mail address of the said offer, use of a temporary or single-use e-mail address), KOLET reserves the right to terminate these conditions ipso jure, which will put an immediate end to the availability of the service provided under this welcome offer.

This free offer is only available to people traveling abroad, and under no circumstances can it be used by consumers in their local market. Kolet reserves the right to terminate these terms and conditions in the event of such a case, which will immediately end the availability of the service provided under this welcome offer.

When selecting the welcome gift, a validity period may be indicated on the Site. This offer is activated as soon as the Customer consumes the first megabyte (MB) of data.

If the offer is not activated within 90 days of the order, KOLET reserves the right not to provide the welcome offer.

At the end of the use of the data of the free Internet offer and/or the 2 (two) days, the Customer will no longer be able to use the Plan.

To access other Plans, the Customer must place an Order on the Site in accordance with the provisions detailed below, or directly on the Application. Pay-per-use offer

Depending on the country chosen, the Customer must select the offer of his choice by clicking on the Plan concerned.

The Plan Order is valid for one (1) year. The benefit of the Plan may be lost at the end of this period, without refund.

Plan offers differ according to the duration of Plan availability and the quantity of data offered.

Once the Plan has been selected, the Customer may continue and finalize the Order.

5.4.2. Order finalization

To order a paid plan, the customer must provide his or her e-mail address and, optionally, his or her departure date, return date and telephone number.

To order a free welcome offer, the Customer must enter his/her e-mail address, telephone number and departure date.

At this stage, the Customer will be able to enter his/her Flying Blue number to earn Miles for this Order, in accordance with article 6 of these General Terms and Conditions.

The Customer will then be able to pay for the Order using the chosen method of payment, by following the instructions on the Site and providing the necessary billing information.

5.4.3. Acknowledgement of receipt

Once all the steps described above have been completed, a page appears on the Site to acknowledge receipt of the Customer's Order.

A copy of the Order acknowledgement is automatically sent to the Customer by e-mail, provided that the e-mail address given on the registration form is correct.

The Order summary and confirmation e-mail may be retained and printed by the Customer.

5.4.4 Billing

During the Order procedure, the Customer must enter the information required for invoicing.

In particular, the Customer must specify the chosen method of payment.

The Customer may obtain an invoice by contacting KOLET customer service at [email protected].

5.5. Order date and supply of the paid Plan

The date of the Order is the date on which KOLET acknowledges online receipt of the Order, the date on which the Customer pays for the Plan on the Site.

To access the Plan, the Customer must download the Kolet Application available on the App Store and Google Play Store.

If the eSIM card has not already been installed, the Customer must then install the eSIM directly so that the Data Plan can be configured in accordance with the Customer's Order. This installation operation requires a stable internet connection.

The service will be accessible immediately after successful installation of the eSIM card and activation in the destination country of the data plan associated with the eSIM card.

It is specified that the Customer must use the eSIM card on the device on which he has logged on.

The installed eSIM will remain on the Customer's device after the expiry of the validity period of the Plan indicated at the time of the Order.

At any time, the Customer can delete the eSIM in the parameters of his/her device.

In the event of installation difficulties, the Customer is invited to contact KOLET in accordance with the procedures specified in article 15 of these GTC.

Each use of the Data Plan by the Customer will be rounded to the nearest megabyte.

Access to the service will terminate either at the end of the Plan validity period indicated at the time of the Order, or at the end of the Plan's total consumption, whichever comes first.

It is specified that data not consumed before the expiry of a Plan is lost and is not refundable.

Before the expiry of the Plan or at the end of the validity period of the Plan ordered, the Customer may recharge and purchase a new Plan from the Site or on the Application.

In the event of loss, theft or change of device, KOLET will not reimburse the Customer for the Plan Order. By downloading the Kolet Application on a new device, the Customer will be able to continue to use the Plan from the Application after reinstalling an eSIM.

5.6. Refunds for non-activated plans

At the end of an Order, if the Customer has not installed his eSIM on his device, or if he has installed his eSIM but the Data Plan has not been activated, he may obtain a full refund for his Order.

Only the amount of the Order may be refunded.

The request for a full refund must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] within a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date the Plan was ordered on the Site.

Beyond this period of thirty (30) days from the Ordering of the Plan on the Site, the request for reimbursement may not be taken into account by Kolet.

On receipt of the request for reimbursement, KOLET will have five (5) working days to check the eligibility of the request and confirm the reimbursement to the Customer.

Reimbursement will be made within a maximum of thirty (30) days, using the same means of payment as that used for the Order.

A partial refund of the Order may be considered in the event that the Plan has been activated but the data remains unused (i.e. less than 1% of data consumed).

Article 6: Customer benefits for Air France KLM Group or Flying Blue users

Customers who access Kolet for the first time via an offer (free or paying) from a co-branded site benefit from several advantages attached to the partnership between KOLET, Air France KLM Group and Flying Blue. These benefits are conditional on the existence of the partnership between KOLET and Air France KLM Group and Flying Blue.

6.1. Discount on orders

Get a 10% discount on Kolet plans.

Following their first use of a free or paid offer in the Kolet application, the Customer will obtain a 10% discount on each Order of Plans placed on the Site or on the Application.

6.2. Miles earned

Members of the Flying Blue program will earn Miles when ordering Plans on the Site if they enter their Flying Blue number at the time of payment. The Customer is invited to consult the Kolet website at, and to find out the number of Miles earned for 1 euro spent .

In the event of a request for reimbursement made before the expiry of the Plan:

- If the Customer requests a full refund in accordance with article 5.6 of these General Terms and Conditions: Miles will not be accumulated and paid;

- If the Customer requests a partial refund in accordance with article 5.6 of these General Terms and Conditions: only Miles corresponding to the difference between the amount paid and the amount refunded will be accrued and paid;

If the Customer obtains a refund by means of a discount voucher, he/she will not be able to obtain a refund thereafter: the Miles corresponding to the amount of the Order will be accumulated and paid, without waiting for the discount voucher to be used.

If the Customer does not activate his/her plan within 90 days of placing the order

- In this case, Miles are awarded 90 days after the Order date.

- After this 90-day period, the customer may not request a refund.

Miles may be used in accordance with the usual terms and conditions of the Flying Blue program, as set out in the General Terms and Conditions.

6.3. Pay with Miles

Buy plans with your Flying Blue Miles using the Flying Blue+ service.

Miles may also be used as a means of payment, in accordance with article 8.1 of these GTC.

Article 7: Right of withdrawal

In principle, distance selling contracts entitle the consumer to a right of withdrawal within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of the contract. However, there are exceptions to this principle, provided for in article L.221-28 of the French Consumer Code, notably in the case of immediate services.

As prepaid eSIM service plans enabling customers to connect their device to the Internet are an immediate service, the customer expressly agrees to waive his right of withdrawal within the 14-day period, provided that use of the plan has begun before the 14-day period has expired, in accordance with article L.221-28-1 ° of the French Consumer Code.

Acceptance of immediate commencement of the service and express waiver of the right of withdrawal are formalized when the order is validated.

Article 8: Payment

8.1. Payment methods

The Customer may pay for his Order online on the Site using the means of payment offered by KOLET, namely:

● Either by credit card (including ApplePay and GooglePay) ;

● or via FlyingBlue+ in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions available here.

When choosing a means of payment, the Customer will be redirected to a secure area corresponding to this choice in order to proceed with payment.

The Customer guarantees KOLET that he/she holds all the authorizations required to use the chosen means of payment.

KOLET takes all necessary measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of data transmitted online as part of online payment on the Site.

8.2. Payment date

In the case of a single payment by credit card, the Customer's account will be debited as soon as the Plan Order is placed on the Site.

8.3. Refusal of payment

If the bank refuses to debit a bank card, the Customer must contact KOLET Support in order to pay for the Order by any other valid and accepted means of payment.

In the event that, for any reason whatsoever, opposition, refusal or other, the transmission of the flow of money due by the Customer proves impossible, the Order will be cancelled and automatically terminated.

Article 9 : Proof and archiving

Any contract concluded with a consumer for an amount greater than 120 euros including VAT will be archived by KOLET for a period of ten (10) years in accordance with article L. 213-1 of the French Consumer Code.

KOLET thus agrees to archive this information in order to monitor transactions and produce a copy of the contract at the Customer's request.

In the event of a dispute, KOLET will be able to prove that its electronic tracking system is reliable and that it guarantees the integrity of the transaction.

Article 10: Legal warranties

Apart from the commercial warranties that KOLET may offer, all Customers benefit from the legal warranties detailed in Appendix 1 hereof.

Article 11: Updates

For the purposes of this article, " Updates " means any Update or modification intended to maintain, adapt or develop the Plans offered, including security updates, whether or not such updates are necessary to maintain the conformity of the digital content or service, i.e. the conformity of the Plans ordered.

11.1. Updates necessary to maintain the conformity of the Plans

KOLET undertakes to inform the Customer of the Updates necessary to maintain the conformity of the Plans and to ensure that the Customer receives them during the period that the Customer may legitimately expect, having regard to the type and purpose of the product and taking into account the circumstances and the nature of these GTC, in the case of a one-off supply operation or a series of separate supply operations.

KOLET will specify to the Customer, for each Update required, the availability of the Update, the procedures for its installation and the consequences in the event of failure by the Customer to install it.

KOLET shall not be held liable for any lack of conformity caused by the Customer's failure to install or incorrect installation of the Update, unless such failure to install results from KOLET's failure to provide the above information or from significant deficiencies in the installation instructions.

11.2 Updates not required to maintain conformity of the Plans

The Customer is hereby informed that KOLET undertakes to inform the Customer of any Updates which are not necessary to maintain the conformity of the Plans and which allow, for example, the improvement or modification of the Plans or adaptation to technical developments.

These Updates and the date of their entry into force will be the subject of prior information, provided in a clear and comprehensible manner, reasonably in advance and by e-mail (or on any other durable medium).

Unnecessary Updates are carried out at no additional cost to the Customer.

Any Customer may refuse the non-necessary Update in question or, where applicable, uninstall it at a later date if it has a negative impact on their access to, or use of, the Plans.

Unless the Update has only a minor impact on the Customer, or KOLET allows the Customer to retain the Plans without the unnecessary Update, and provided that the Plans remain compliant, as defined in Appendix 1 of the GTS, the Customer may terminate these GTS by operation of law and at no cost to the Customer. However, the Customer must do so within a maximum of thirty (30) days.

Termination of the GCS terminates the Customer's access to the Plans concerned.

Article 12 : Liability

KOLET undertakes to do everything in its power to enable the Customer to use Kolet in the chosen destination country. The Customer is expressly informed that for the delivery of Plans, KOLET relies on local telecommunication operators in the destination chosen by the Customer. In this respect, KOLET ensures the activation of a telecommunication plan with a local operator, but cannot guarantee the quality of the connection in all the destination countries available on the Site, since this availability depends on the said operators and not on KOLET. KOLET's role is limited to providing access to the services offered by local operators in order to use the Plans ordered on the Site.

KOLET does not guarantee the conditions of availability of the network in the country of destination chosen by the Customer.

KOLET may not be held liable in the event of non-execution or poor execution of contractual obligations attributable to the Customer, in particular when entering his/her Order.

KOLET may not be held liable in the event of errors made by the Customer when configuring the settings of his/her device and in particular when these errors give rise to additional roaming charges with another Internet access provider other than KOLET.

The Customer accepts that the Plan will not be used to carry out a fraudulent operation. The Customer undertakes not to divert the services from their intended purpose, not to commit fraud and, more generally, not to undermine public order, and to comply with the laws and regulations in force. In the event of abnormal use of the Plan or illicit exploitation of the Plan, the Customer is solely responsible for damages and the consequences of any actions that may result. In this case, KOLET may be obliged to suspend use of the Plan and to initiate any procedure aimed at repairing the damage suffered.

You are also reminded that KOLET cannot be held responsible if the Customer's device is not eSIM compatible.

KOLET may not be held responsible, or considered as having failed to comply with the present terms and conditions, for any delay or non-performance of one of its obligations described in the present terms and conditions, when the cause of the delay or non-performance is linked to a case of force majeure as defined by the jurisprudence of the French Courts and Tribunals.

KOLET has no control over websites linked directly or indirectly to the Site. Consequently, KOLET accepts no responsibility for the information published on these sites. Links to third-party websites are provided for information purposes only, and no guarantee is given as to their content.

Article 13: Unexpected Events Beyond Control

KOLET's liability cannot be engaged if the non-performance or delay in the performance of any of its obligations described in these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) results from a case of force majeure.

Unexpected Events Beyond Control in contractual matters occurs when an event beyond the control of the obligated party, which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time the GTC were concluded and whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents the obligated party from performing its obligation.

If the impediment is temporary, the performance of the obligation is suspended unless the resulting delay justifies the termination of the GTC. If the impediment is permanent, the GTC are automatically terminated, and the parties are released from their obligations under the conditions provided in Articles 1351 and 1351-1 of the Civil Code.

In the event of an occurrence qualifying as force majeure, KOLET will endeavor to inform the Client as soon as possible.

Article 14: Personal data

All consumers have the option of registering free of charge on the BLOCTEL telephone anti-solicitation list.

In accordance with law no. 2020-901 of July 24, 2020 aimed at regulating telephone canvassing and combating fraudulent calls, any professional reserves the right to canvass a consumer registered on the telephone canvassing opposition list when the canvassing takes place as part of the performance of a current contract and is related to the subject of said contract, including when the purpose is to offer the consumer products or services related to or complementary to the subject of the current contract, or likely to improve its performance or quality.

The Customer is invited to consult KOLET's Privacy Policy, accessible at the following address: [Link], which will provide further information on the protection of personal data, the processing carried out by KOLET and the procedures for exercising rights.

Article 15 : Customer service - Complaints

Any written complaint by the Customer must be sent by :

- E-mail to;

- the chat available on the Site; or

- Mail to the following address KOLET - 6 rue d'Armaille 75017 Paris

Article 16: Validity of the GCS

Any modification of the legislation or regulations in force, or any decision by a competent court invalidating one or more clauses of the present GTCS shall not affect the validity of the present GTCS. Any such modification or decision shall in no way authorize Customers to disregard these GSC.

Article 17 : Modification of the GCS

These GCS apply to all Customers, for all Orders placed online, as long as the Site is available online.

The GTC are dated precisely and may be modified and updated by KOLET at any time. The applicable GTC are those in force at the time of the Order.

Modifications to the GCS will not apply to Plans already purchased.

Article 18: General provisions

The fact that one of the Parties has not demanded the application of any clause of these GCS, whether on a permanent or temporary basis, may in no case be considered as a waiver of the said clause.

In the event of difficulty of interpretation between any of the titles appearing at the head of the clauses, and any of the clauses, the titles will be declared non-existent.

Article 19 : Jurisdiction and applicable law



However, prior to any recourse to an arbitral or state judge, the Customer is invited to contact the KOLET complaints department.

If no agreement is reached, or if the Customer justifies having previously attempted to resolve his/her dispute directly with KOLET by means of a written complaint, an optional mediation procedure will be proposed, conducted in a spirit of loyalty and good faith, with a view to reaching an amicable agreement in the event of any dispute relating to the present contract, including those concerning its validity.

In application of article L.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, KOLET also informs the consumer of the contact details of the consumer mediator to which he/she belongs.

Consumers may also use the European platform for online dispute resolution, accessible at the following address

The Party wishing to initiate the mediation process must first inform the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, stating the details of the dispute.

Since mediation is not compulsory, either Party may withdraw from the process at any time.



In addition to any commercial warranties KOLET may offer, every Client benefits from "legal" guarantees for all ordered Plans, as detailed below, in accordance with Article L221-5 of the Consumer Code:

The consumer has two years from the delivery of the digital content or service to enforce the legal guarantee of conformity in case of a non-conformity issue. For one year from the delivery date, the consumer only needs to prove the existence of the defect, not the date it appeared.

The legal guarantee of conformity includes the obligation to provide all updates necessary to maintain the conformity of the digital content or service.

This guarantee gives the consumer the right to have the digital content or service brought into conformity without undue delay, free of charge, and without significant inconvenience.

The consumer may receive a price reduction while keeping the digital content or service or may terminate the contract with a full refund in exchange for surrendering the digital content or service if:

  1. The provider refuses to bring the digital content or service into conformity;

  2. The conformity adjustment is unduly delayed;

  3. The conformity adjustment cannot occur without cost to the consumer;

  4. The conformity adjustment causes significant inconvenience to the consumer;

  5. The non-conformity persists despite an unsuccessful attempt by the provider to bring it into conformity.

The consumer is also entitled to a price reduction or contract termination when the non-conformity is severe enough to justify immediate action. In this case, the consumer does not have to first request conformity adjustments for the digital content or service.

In cases where the non-conformity is minor, the consumer can only terminate the contract if no payment was agreed upon in the contract.

Any period during which the digital content or service is unavailable for conformity adjustments pauses the guarantee period until the compliant digital content or service is restored.

The rights mentioned above are derived from Articles L. 224-25-1 to L. 224-25-31 of the Consumer Code.

A provider who, in bad faith, hinders the enforcement of the legal guarantee of conformity is subject to a civil fine of up to 300,000 euros, which may be increased to 10% of the average annual turnover (Article L. 242-18-1 of the Consumer Code).

Additionally, the consumer benefits from the legal guarantee against hidden defects under Articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code, for two years from the discovery of the defect. This guarantee entitles the consumer to a price reduction if they retain the digital content or service, or to a full refund in exchange for surrendering the digital content or service.

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